
Mission Accomplished – 240 hyacinths planted for #Bumbleance

Hi all,

It’s been a busy week, and didn’t get a chance to include the video I took last week.. Here it is!

#Bumbleance Fundraiser, planting of Hyacinths – for sale around Xmas from Katleen Bell-Bonjean on Vimeo.

As you can see on the video my patch wasn’t filled up completely, and needed to pot a few more hyacinth bulbs, so I decided to give it one last stab today, and finished planting them all. Hurray!

One part of my mission accomplished - all 240 bulbs planted

One part of my mission accomplished – all 240 bulbs planted

It’s a wet and windy day, so whilst the kids were inside watching TV and playing games, our dog Max kept a close eye on what I was doing, and even tried to help out:) Max giving me a hand!

So what’s happening so far? It’s hard to say, as on the surface there isn’t an awful lot happening. Ok, I can see some tiny green shoots coming out of a few of the bulbs.  But is there really something happening? So I decided to pick up one of the pots I planted a few weeks ago, and was surprised to see that although there mightn’t be much happening on the surface, there has been lot’s of activity underneath, as I saw roots coming through the pots, so I am hopeful that’s a good sign!

Roots are growing

Top of one of the first hyacinths I planted 

something is happening as the roots are coming through the pot already

something is happening as the roots are coming through the pot already

So now I am going to leave them there for a while, and once there is good growth, I’ll move them indoors! The idea is that you first give them the feeling of autumn/winter and then move them into a warmer/sunnier area. So all going well, I’ll have lot’s of Hyacinths around Christmas for sale!

Interested to buy a hyacinth? Drop me a text message on 087 -686 0939 and let me know what your name is, and how many hyacinths you wish to reserve. I’ll be doing a Christmas fair in the local school here in Labane, so you can pick up the hyacinth(s) there. I have 200 single hyacinths, and 20 double ones ( ie 2 bulbs). The single ones will be 10 Euros and the double ones will be 15 euros. You can also drop me : katleenworkinginireland (at) gmail.com

I’ll also be sending some flowers to Horkans, they very kindly sponsored me for the compost, bulbs and compost.

Thank you for reading my blog!
